Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Personal Update

Well, I haven't been on in a long time and I have received quite a few comments on the blog so I thought I would update. I finished college in June and now have my BBA in HR Management. YAY! Currently, I work for my old employer on a temp basis. I have a second interview this week at a job that I really want since it is in my field of study. Wish me luck!

I no longer take Protandim and have taken the link down. I developed oozing raw patches all over my face. Finally, the doctor who created Protandim admitted that folks with autoimmune issues should not take Protandim as it amplifies the disease! Fantastic!! I specifically asked the question before I ever tried it and was told it was completely safe to take. It did get rid of my headaches so I won't trash talk it but I am unhappy with the company and its "doctor" for lying to me and making me look like a fool in front of all of you. My relationship with them is finished.

Thank you all for your comments and questions. I am so happy this blog helps so many who are looking for information on an alternative to the hatchet job :)

God bless,


SwimmingOphelia said...

I am a non-decompressed (yet...its coming soon I believe!) Chiarian. I just wanted to tell you that I ran across this looking for info on endoscopic decomp. I saw the Protandim stuff an did a little research. It maybe that their overall formula and the amounts is not ideal, but dont let the experience sour you. I personally take some supplements that I feel are the reason I dont feel worse some days! I know a few chiarian who use Green Tea extract to help with headaches and it is an an excellent antioxidant. Maybe it would be worthwhile for you to look thru the indgredients and look for individual info and see what it is in the formula that is giving you probs then you could take the beneficial stuff individually. I know how frustraing it is to have trigger point muscles, etc...I hate to see you so down-hearted about it! Good luck!

offshore said...

If you need further help you can go http://www.chiarisupport.org

Anonymous said...

Hi...I just cMe across your blog. I wantto start protandim and have several times but get nervous about it and then stop. One thing it makes me tired. I have been told that I am detoxing from it. Plus my neck hurt the 2 times I took it. I have an arachnoid cyst on my spine and have horrible neck and back pain from it. I also feel my flow is not good. I don't really want to get surgery bc it could make me worse. So I thought protandim woukd help. This last time I took it for 3 days and my neck felt better but my arms felt week. I didn't know if it effects spinal fluid pressure. I feel like it does. Do u know people who still take it...r they doing ok? Thanks amanda

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